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Check Their Fit: Our Step-By-Step Guide

It’s always best to have your child’s shoes fitted by our in-store experts - but we know that life can get busy, and you might prefer the convenience of checking their fit from home.

Once they’ve excitedly unboxed their new pair, our step-by-step guide will help you make sure their shoes fit just right.

  • Step 1: Length

    Once your child’s shoes are fastened, it’s time to check there’s enough growing room. Feel for the end of their longest toe (a little toe wriggle should help!) to see how much space there is. We recommend 14mm growing room for all our shoes, except our open-toed sandals and pre-walking styles, where we suggest 10mm.

  • Step 2: Width

    Feel along each side of the shoe and make sure there isn’t any pressure or pinching. Your child should be able to move their little toe, too.

  • Step 3: Depth

    Let’s make sure there’s enough room above your child’s toes. Gently press the top of the shoe down - you should feel enough space between the toes and the shoe upper for comfort.

  • Step 4: Top Edge of Shoe

    Feel around the top edge of the shoe and check there aren’t any gaps. Then, check that the shoe isn’t resting against the ankle bone (unless it’s soft or has plenty of padding).

  • Step 5: Heel Grip

    Make sure your child is sitting comfortably and lift one foot. Pull down gently on the back of the shoe and make sure its gripping the heel well - we don’t want any slipping! Repeat for both feet.

  • Step 6: Walking

    Lastly, let’s check that their shoes feel good! Ask your child to walk around - can they move easily and naturally in their new shoes? Make sure both shoes grip your child’s heels when they’re walking, and that they don’t gape too much at the sides.